Saturday, December 18th, 2004
10:30 - 11:30pm.
This Saturday, attend special celebration for select VIP photographer Jet Blackhorse.
Many guests will attend including celebrities and models.
Two floors of music with top-notch DJ lineup, this week features best of Hip Hop, House,
Reggae, Disco, Classics, and gorgeous go-go dancers.
Free Admission until Midnight.
Reduced $15 admission after only on VipClubber.com Guest list.
Age: 18 for girls and 21 for guys. Arrive early to avoid the lines.
Discounted, $175 for a
bottle of Stoli Vodka with a choice of 2 mixers. Six people per table
and free admission. Line bypass. Call 646.536.7517
Prepay $10 for advanced ticket pass
and arrive anytime. Present your Ticket pass print out at the front of the door and skip the line