Grand Opening of Aer Thursdays


, 409 west 13th street
New York, NY 10014

Thursday, December 07th 2006


Grand opening at Aer will make you breath easier after you spent you night in its atmosphere. Good music and friendly crowd are just a fraction of goodness from this lively and dance/mingle inspiring piece of heaven. Come and take a breather from all the usual at Aer.

by the heavy hitters from NY and Miami Dj Camilo & Mr. Mauricio

Door Policy: Ladies free until 1am guys are free until Midnight. Doors open 10p.m. Proper dresscode and id a must, doormans discretion.

Soiree Saturdays at Eugene


27 west 24th st
Nbtwn. Broadway and 6th Ave.

Saturday, Decenber 9th 2006


The Saturday nights at Eugene's are presenting the unique, diverse, and trendy parties. Feel free to come by and enjoy all the nightlife elements. After four week over 1000 people come experience what everyone is talking about.

Special guest Dj Hot 97's Heavy Hitter Dj Kast One. Special Guest Dj: Dj JCNY.

Door Policy: Ladies free to 1a.m. Gents free till 12a.m. Dresscode is strictly enforced. 21 & over id a must.