This Monday celebrate a celebrity birthday bash for super model
Mileena Hayes who has appeared in Maxim Magazine, Blackman's
Magazine, IB Concept Magazine, The Connection Magazine, and
Hip Hop Weekly. The place will be filled with sexy and attractive
people complimenting the beautiful interior and its atmosphere
which is all there to help make your Summer hotter than ever.
Ciroc open bar from 11PM to 12AM. Bottles Up Mondays has quickly become one of the hottest industry
parties in the city. The crowd is a nice ecclectic mix of trendy New York
socialites and industry folk.
Featuring weekly Guest Bartenders. Sexy and driven people are bustling on every corner.
Home wards off the plasticity of the typical club crowd with a warm brick wall.
Choose to parlay over tables that absorb the smooth feel of the lounge, or find a special drink at the bar.
-Ciroc open bar from 11PM to 12AM.
-Grey Goose $250.
-Hennessy $250.
-Veuve Cliquot $150.
-Moet Nectar Imperial $150.
Music by:
DJ Will and DJ Snap of Da Union and DJ Triple X.
For the guestlist call: 718-813-2840
. Or E-mail Bottlesupmondays@Gmail.com