Time for recess Fridays at School
School, 105 W 27th St
Btwn 6th & 7th Ave, Nyc
Friday, Feburary 02nd 2007
Description: Last week we brought you Something
new and upscale... This week we are at it Again! Get geady
to rock out.
Time for recess: Complimentary Apple Martinis & Cosmos
10-11pm; Bottle Specials all night: $200 Absolut / Stoli
Vodka & $250 for two bottles of Moet Champagne
and more >
Music by: DJ's Derick Spaulding and Don Juan
(80's Pop, Hip Hop, Latin, Dance)
B-Day bookings we have special packages (admission & champagne)
Let's heat things up. Special movie release party for
Door Policy: Doors open at 10:00 PM; Ladies free all night and Gents $10 reduced only on VipClubber guestlist; Dress to
impress doorman's descretio.n
Age Required: 21; ID a must.
Hip Saturdays at LQ
LQ, 511 Lexington Ave
btwn. 47 & 48th Strs, Nyc
Saturday, Feburary 03rd 2007
Saturday Night in NYC is hotter than ever! Experience LQ.
Multi - Level venue, live broadcast on la Mega Latin
HIP Saturdays at LQ. Doors Open 10:30pm. Ladies 21+ Gentleman
23+ - Note for Ladies Free until 12am on our guest list!
List/Table. Experience all the energy & excitement ....Latin
HIP Saturdays at LQ.
Music by: DJ
Derick Spaulding & special guest DJ Alex Sensation & Lobo
(Hip Hop, Classics, and Latin). Q room Latin an International
Door policy: Doors open at: 10:30 pm.
Ladies free until 12am on our guestlist; guys reduced
admission until 12am.
code: Gents: Jeans OK in a dressy fashion
Age Required: Ladies 21+, Gents 23+; List Closes: 2:00